cv gaspard herblot

Juggler, acrobat, slammer, beat boxer and actor, Gaspard Herblot swings between hip hop culture and the circus arts. Along with various training courses (singing, physical theatre and trained as a musician in the Dalcroze Institute Brussels) he has developed a self-taught but rigorous practice of oral percussion and vocal acrobatics.

He has performed with many companies: In physical theatre with Les Daltoniens, Claire Lesbros, Victor B, circus with Dos à Dos, and dance with Rosa Mei, Said ouad Rassi, No Way Back, Maria Clara Villa Lobos and finally he was integrated into the Jordi L. Vidal company in 2013.

He also developed a solo universe combining circus act with live sound, human beatbox, slams and songs in his show titled “Pièces Détachées”. In the last ten years, he has been teaching circus, slam, rhythm and voice workshops, and improvised compositions in different organisations in Brussels and around the world.