Despina Psymarnou studied at the Lassaad International School of Theater, school of gesture and mime, (Brussels), the Center for Theater Studies of UCL (Louvain - La - Neuve), and then the Feldenkrais method. She also follows courses at the Odin Theater (Eugenio Barba-Anthropologie Théâtrale)
She performed with theater physicist, puppet, masks, street theater with the companies cie O-passatempos, cie Du Complot, Reseau Europa Figura, cie du Copeau.
-Since 2001, she has been teaching theater workshops in prison (St. Gilles, Ittre) with the support of Adeppi,
- In 2017, she co-hosts with filmmaker Milena Bochet, a short film workshop in Forest Prison. (February-June 2017)
-in addition, she adheres as an artist in the projects of the association M-use, (Menhuin Foundation) in schools to the disadvantaged public.